QGMI took part in the 19th Fraud & Corruption Forum

QGMI representatives took part in the 19th Fraud & Corruption Forum, celebrated in Amsterdam (Netherlands) the past April 11th  and 12th . It was organized by Thought Leader Global.

During the Forum, Compliance experts from all over Europe debated anti-fraud and anti-corruption policies.

Ingrid Matos, QGMI’s Chief Compliance Officer, was with Elena Herrero-Visairas the General Counsel of T-Solar Global Group part of the Congress speakers. Both together, talk about “Third Party Due Diligence in High Risk Countries”.

In the presentation, they made an approach to the Due Diligence processes importance in their companies and highlighted the necessary care to strengthen the company control systems in developing countries. They also referred to how “fundamental is to know in depth the business and the markets in which we act, in order to carry out a good third-party risk assessment process”.

To conclude the speakers explain that “in spite of difficulties such as technology, budget, local culture or Compliance Programme maturity there are always innovative solutions to mitigate risks”. They also highlighted that “for this it is crucial the Senior Management involvement” because, in the words of QGMI’s Chief Compliance Officer, “knowing how to listen and how to understand the local staff of the countries where we act is essential to achieve better results”.

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Integrated Waste Management

At QGMI, we plan to adopt an integrated waste management approach, by assessing the various waste streams and adopting an approach of waste management. Our organic wastes are segregated, and a designed composter treats them. The result of the organic waste management can be applied to our reforestation projects.

Accugrade GPS Control System

We use a GPS technology to increase our productivity in earthmoving and grading processes. This Control System allows operators to grade more precisely and faster, which translates into higher productivity, lower operating costs, and a well-done work.

SAE (Electronic Monitoring System)

The Electronic Monitorig System was developed internally by the IT team, with the aim of monitoring the development of activities and working hours of workers and teams in real time, reducing access time to performance indicators for strategic decision making. The system, which is available in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, works via smartphone by reading QR Codes affixed to equipment and on workers‘ credentials. It works even where there is no internet available, as data can be stored in the phone’s memory and transferred when there is a Wi-Fi or 4G network signal. It improves cost management, productivity control and contributes to environmental sustainability.